
Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some information to help you answer some commonly asked questions that our users ask us about.

What locations can Safe Fax send faxes to?

Safe Fax can send faxes to any of the 50 states in the United States of America.

What countries does Safe Fax support?


Can Safe Fax receive faxes?

At the moment, Safe Fax can only send faxes.

Can Safe Fax send faxes to US recipients when I'm outside of America?

For now, the answer is 'no'.

Can Safe Fax add a cover page or title page to my attachment?

Yes, Safe Fax has a built in optional cover page feature so you can add a customized cover page to your pdf fax document.

Do I have to repurchase the subscription if I change devices?

Simply login to your new device with the same account you used to buy the subscription on your old device and everything should work properly.